
29K Following 13K Works


Devin Wang

530 works 63K subscribers

3000 ratings

I have 5 years of experience in financial analysis, especially in aspects of macro developments and medium and long-term trend judgment.


153 works 42K subscribers

557 ratings



103 works 18K subscribers

570 ratings



81 works 13K subscribers

570 ratings

BDD Venture(币懂懂):数字货币早期布道者,BDD Venture海外基金实际控制者,自有DC机房FIL算力占全球1%,BGB布道者。6年从业经验。擅长主流货币分析,趋势分析,日内分析,波浪法则,斐波拉契战法!


260 works 19K subscribers

2110 ratings

I have an in-depth study of fundamentals, especially for the US dollar market. I'm good at short and medium-term trading by virtue of my profound financial theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience.

edwin lo

237 works 21K subscribers

20 ratings

长期油管直播,这里是新开始,欢迎大家关注! 全球市场交易十一年,自创《趋势和位置交易法》。 每周一、三、五分享交易思路 课程+信号:telegram:@lqh8899


16 works 9.7K subscribers

104 ratings

旨盈号交流互动+:1803126956 关注旨盈号,13年黄金白银原油等大宗商品投资交易经验 活跃up主,定期记录交易笔记 有种快乐叫悟,迭代思维模式


9 works 671 subscribers

30 ratings

Zack King is well known in Malaysia as MVP Pro Trader team trade economics and fundamentals. We had educated over 5,000 students in recent 12 years trading.


11 works 3.3K subscribers

10 ratings

Samrat is a seasoned Tech + Strategy consultant. He has been in the crypto and Blockchain space since 2014. He is presently the Regional Head of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and a member of the Project Governance Board at EEA. He is the Co-chair of Baseline Protocol, a data synchronization protocol co-founded by Microsoft, E&Y, and ConsenSys. He is a Node Operator at Baseledger.net, which is a zkp-ready L1 Blockchain driven by UBT tokens. He has run a weekly YouTube live show for the past 1.5 years. He is also a guest columnist at The Economic Times, India's largest news daily with over 8mn+ daily views. Samrat made several public appearances as a crypto and Blockchain expert at various prestigious events and news channels.


159 works 5.6K subscribers

102 ratings

曾任深圳某私募基金经理,获得过私募冠军。经过十几年的股票投资历程,形成了一套非常高效的投资模型,过往十年的波段逃顶和波段抄底成功率高达85%以上。 我把自己的投资理念和实战技巧,编制了完整的线上培训课程,并创立了【投研道】投资培训平台,超过十万在线学习人数。 助理:Shirley_Q1997(备注法布)


17 works 1.5K subscribers

85 ratings

Rico Kim is a highly skilled and experienced trader with nine years of experience in the financial industry, specialising in a wide range of asset classes and trading strategies, including equities, crypto, currencies, and commodities, and is known for his data-driven approach to trading, prioritising disciplined execution and rigorous risk management to consistently generate strong returns for his clients and his personal capital, even in volatile market conditions, and has worked for his family company as fund manager.


61 works 20K subscribers

6 ratings

每周更新外汇市场看法及未来交易机会,每周二晚间悉尼时间8点直播市场行情走势解析,想要详细了解某些产品走势分析可留言讨论哦。欢迎进入我个人Discord 频道链接:https://discord.gg/j5MqVEv3XV


45 works 1.6K subscribers

16 ratings

老板们大家好!2018年进入币圈,实践交易,擅长预埋,波段,快速见钱! 我是yiyi一个独立交易投资者,在币圈的话是2018年从小白至今六年交易经验的宝妈,2018年怀孕时不适合上班,进入了交易领域。想来币圈赚点生活费和奶粉钱,从此走上了学习交易之路。这中间也遇到过瓶颈,想放弃的时候,然而停一两个月没有做交易。然后进行了一些专业知识的学习,然后又突破了这个瓶颈,对自己更有信心了,同时在黑暗的时候又看到了光明,有时真的经历的越多,经验就越多!


6 works 511 subscribers

26 ratings

Mr. Shehzad Hussein has vast experience in the financial markets with a Diploma in Investment Analysis & a Degree in Finance, he used this knowledge to dive into the markets as a trader back in 2011 and never looked back since. He makes a living as metals trader and has been a silent trader until now. He feels that with his experience, he would like to venture into educating up & coming traders and to share his experience and knowledge of the markets with them. He will also be pursuing his MSTA in the near future. He is also the founder of "FOREX ASIA" a Facebook community group where trader can come together and discuss everything trading.
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