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Are those trading training institutions on the market useful?

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When I was very difficult to trade and couldn't find a way out, I really wanted to seek a trade leader, because I really couldn't think of a way to trade, but after I had the experience of apprenticeship, I felt that apprenticeship was not reliable. So I thought of many trading training institutions with hot publicity. I went to learn about some training institutions at the time, but I didn’t sign up because the cost of training was too high. It was 29,999, or even 59,999. The asking price was too high, and the trading losses were very serious at that time. These prices were quite high for me. And the key is that I don't know how it works, and I'm worried about being fooled. So I thought of a way. Of course, this way is not very ethical. It is to find various channels to buy video lessons at a low price. The price is not high. You can buy a set for tens of dollars. It was taught by coffee, but there are very few high-quality courses of this kind. In this way, I got about three or four sets of training courses, which took nearly two months to finish. The core is about how to analyze the market, the application of indicators, and then summarize A method is generally called xx tactics, or xx rules and so on. This can barely be regarded as having received the baptism of the training institution. Let me evaluate, I think this process is useful. The trading system I use for trading now is basically not related to the training course I attended at that time. But when I listen to these training courses, I am very serious. Once a person enters a serious state, he will start to think about whether what he heard or saw is correct. Many of the logics in the several sets of courses I listened to at the time were conflicting, so I would think about who is right? So I started to review the game to see who has a higher winning rate, who has a better profit-loss ratio, and who can be used for a long time. After a long period of research, I have come to a conclusion that what they said is right and wrong. They are all right because the examples they gave in the lectures are indeed classic and seem reasonable. They are all wrong because their perspectives are too one-sided. In my current words, they lack positive logic and subjective consciousness and behavior are too strong and lack consistency. So my biggest gain from this process is to cultivate dialectical thinking in the field of trading. Although this did not directly help my trading, this kind of thinking had a decisive advantage in later structuring the transaction. So I think it’s helpful for trading to attend training courses properly, or to listen to the lectures of big names in trading. In fact, from the trainer’s point of view, it’s not like they are cheating people like harvesting IQ tax. , but why the effect of the training course is so small or many people reject the training course? I think there are two main reasons. The first point is that the trading quality of the trainees is uneven. Even with a good training, it is difficult to teach excellent traders. For example, the turtle trading rules. Dennis has received more than a thousand turtles to teach his trading. system, but in the end only a dozen people understand its core idea and can make a profit successfully. Is this rule not good enough? No, it is the overall quality of these learners that determines the results. The second point, which is also the main reason, is that the trainers themselves do not have enough training content, and they are not aware of it. Many trainers have a brilliant record, such as a certain period of time, the profit exploded, and the income is huge, so they want to engage in training to pass on their own methods, which is not malicious in itself. But the problem is that his profit explosion was only because the market during that period fit his trading method infinitely, and there may be no universality and continuity at all. But the trainers themselves are not aware of this problem, and many traders see this trading result and feel that it is very powerful. One dares to teach, and a group dares to learn. And it is just a lucky survivor who came to teach a group of leeks, and the result can be imagined. Therefore, it is very difficult and rare to learn a complete set of trading systems in training courses. After all, there has been such a public training on turtle trading rules in the past century. The training class is more about refining thinking through the content of the trainers, so as to form one's own trading logic, which should be the most substantial help of the training class. Are you satisfied with this answer?
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